Active herbal Slimming Pills

Profil : Fabricant - Producteur | Réf : PSL206161YH | Pays : China | Devise : USD | Incoterm : FOB | Export : | Import :

Slimming pill is specially designed to effectively absorb the oil from food, discharge of the body, stop the grease ingress, prevent the fat accumulation comprehensively, accelerate the excess fat decompounds and consumption, rapidly drive the trash and toxin away, get slim in short time by body purification and detex.

1 Speed up the fat consumption
2 Stop the body absorbing fat:
3 Accelerate the fat breaking up

[Suitable population]: Simply obesity, post partum fat, including people can not get slim by diet and exercise.
[Specification] 210mg*30caps
[Ingredients] Africa Natto, Ganoderma Lucidum, Ginseng, Fructus Mume, Euryale Ferox seeds\Cassis Seed and wheat germo other herbal
[Suggested Usage] Take 1 capsule per day in the morning before breakfast.
[Warning] Not intend for the use of pregnants or breastfeeding women, as well as other serious disease patients.
[Storage]: Place in airproof, shady and dry condition. Keep out of reach of children.

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OEM&ODM Cooperation Details
OEM service, private label products available with free package design
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Semi-finished products, Raw Material supply
All varieties available. Anything you want, we can make it real.

Type de l'annonce : Offre de produit

Référence de l'annonce : PSL206161YH

Référence de l'annonceur : REF-124426

Prix : 1USD

Devise : USD

Incoterm : FOB

Quantité minimum d'achat : 100boxes

Catégorie: Dyed

Mots clés : slimming pills | herbal slimming | super slim | natural slimming | weight loss products

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